Following in the tradition that started with the Stonewall Riots (the origin of Pride/CSD), we’re coming together to discuss current perspectives, network, exchange, and find common grounds to organize and radicalize with like minded anarchist antiauthoritarian queer peeps. Issues like the war, the relationships and intimacy in the queer left scene from an anarchist perspective, increasing anti-trans attitudes, segmentation of the queer scene in Berlin, and the need to build trust in the community have been now in our minds, more than ever and we have the need to wrestle with these thorny topics with others, not isoloted off by ourselves.
That’s why, as for the last 2 years, we are organising the next Anarchist CSD, and we would like to invite you to come in solidarity with us for a day of politcal speeches, performances, music, and dancing. We’re creating a space to meet other queer anarchists, no matter how do they identify and assert themselves. We aim to provide a safer and a braver space for all of us queers and freaks who often feel we do not belong to the every day of Berlin and who are furthermore marginalized and discriminated against (and for sure not represented by the mainstream politics – not that we even want it!). National, ethnic and religious background, and body (dis)ability do matter in a society where they determine how humanely and respectfully we are treated. Nevertheless, this must not be an obstacle to organise an emancipatory movement based on our common grounds, with all the conflicts and contradictions that might come along.
Let’s come together for a common, intersectional and borderless anticolonial struggle against state(s), elites, and governments.
Anarchist CSD 2022
Sunday 17th of July, 3pm-9pm+
Mariannenplatz, Kreuzberg Rondelle (rally)
The event will be largely translated into the German sign language (DGS)
Do you want to know something more about us?
visit our website: https://acsd.noblogs.org/
or write us an email: acsd@mail36.net